
Para Legal Services

With our expert Para Legal Services, we provide facility to your existing team of attorneys to help manage you file, arrange document and pleading in parts and place them properly and provide gist of documents and their relevancy in your case. It makes easier to them handle the case before the court and makes everything handy and quick to understand.

Now a days the case files are a bundle of hundreds of pages and your existing team of lawyers may be having no time to go through all the documents thoroughly. Another aspect is that when you go to engage an advocate you can not explain your case properly and easily. You may be having a pile of documents which are tough to handle and to explain the attorney who is having a very less time for you. We provide to arrange your file, pleadings documents and prepare a gist so that you or your attorney can understand those easily and quickly. It saves your and their valuable time and efforts. 

Para Legal Services Include :

  • Preparation of brief of your case file to facilitate your advocates to put your case easily.
  • Preparation of notes upon your existing case.
  • Arranging and paginating to your pleadings and documents.
  • Briefing the significance of documents and exhibits placed on record in your case.